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It is achieving full biodegradation, without affecting recyclability and enabling the circular economy.

Biotransformation is a unique process that allows a full return to the nature of a synthetic twine without leaving microplastics.

  • Mechanical properties unchanged vs. standard twine during service life
  • Once transformed, it reduces the risk of plastic entanglement in the field
  • Designed to combat fugitive plastic
  • Tested by independent labs

The Product

Biocord product range was developed to be used only in stretch-wrapped bales.

During the service life, it’s a standard PP baler twine, with the same strength, length, and performance you are used to, with no need for extra machine set-up. However, due to its self-destructing properties, it must be properly stored to ensure a minimum of 12 months of service life.

Self - destructing plastic technology


If this PP twine is biodegradable, why aren\'t others?

Biocord is new generation twine that combines the strength of a regular synthetic twine with the capability to biodegrade in open air terrestrial environment.
This unique feature is made possible thanks to an R&D partnership between Cordex and Polymateria, a company focused on solving the fugitive plastic problem through high tech solutions.
Biocord is the only synthetic polypropylene yarn that is both recyclable and biodegradable*.

While a polymer has strong physical integrity and is engineered to be stiff and stable, a wax is more ductile and easier to be further processed. The wax resulting from the biotransformation process result to be bioavailable, so can be digested by microorganism to be fully converted in carbon dioxide, water and biomass.

Biodegradation is a process to transform organic carbon into carbon dioxide, water and biomass.
All living species undergo this process and create a sort of circularity into the big cycle of nature.

The technology used by Biocord has 2 distinct moments of use, corresponding to different stages of the product lifecycle. When the material is on duty, it behaves like a regular plastic and can be recycled. Once that the service life has expired, the material is ready to undergo the biotranformation process, safely returning to nature without leaving microplastics.

A plastic is synthesized from an organic matter and engineered to be stable. Polymateria allows plastic to return back to a form that can be digested by microorganisms and fully biodegraded.

Biodegradation is a natural process that occur thanks to the contribution of microorganism; the Biocord twines are set to transform to a wax at the end of their service life and become available as source of food for those microorganisms. A material is biodegraded when is digested and transformed into carbon dioxide, water and biomass.

The self-destructing technology used in Biocord is triggered by sunlight, humidity, temperature, and other environmental factors. To guarantee a minimum duration of 12 months for bales packed with Biocord, the twine must be protected from direct UV exposure, which is why Biocord twine must only be used in bales wrapped with stretch film. However, Cordex and Polymateria continue to work together to improve Biocord functionality and performance.

It is recommended to wrap the bale as soon as it is produced but if this is not possible, the bale can be wrapped up to 2 weeks after being formed.

No, when opening the bale, the twine will be there. A proper unwrapping of the bale and accurate handling of the removed twine will guarantee an optimal disposal according to the Biocord guidelines.

Biodegradable does not mean edible. When opening the bale for animal feed, Biocord must be treated like any synthetic twine, taking care to separate it or prevent small pieces from becoming available to the animals.


 To find out more about Biocord please contact